Monday, August 31, 2009

One bad thing afer another....

So last night I was coming home from a party at my friends house, a smallish thing. But i was going to go back over after and you know "living the party up". So its come the time when I'm sneaking out I make it perfectly, i honestly stopped on my porch and thought to myself, wow that was the most quiet I've ever done it! So i think I'm okay, as I go down the driveway, I glace over my shoulder as always to see if the light in their window is on, incase there up in which case I'd sneak back in. What do i see but my moms tiny little head looking out at me, the first thought that goes through my head "wave" a quick wave and keep walking! Lol I know not my smartest choice, but I didn't want to go home then, I knew I was already caught. She calls me back in, and honestly, can't recall what was said. But most of it was just me saying about the fact I just wanted to walk, and to let me go back out. I was desperate, its come to a time when pretty much nothing in my house entertains me, I love being outside its as simple as that! So i guess they made it clear to me today that they didn't want it to happen again, also my bank account needed to have money in it to cover the fees today! Which I didn't know I was going to do it tomorrow....Dropped the ball on that one.

Since my blogs have just been talkin about the troubles of my life recently I'm going to show to you a poem i wrote a little bit back. It's kind of old and shitty, but I personally like it.

The two of them walk hand in hand

Nothing behind them but a still whisper

He slowely said the last words of the night

“I love you”

She was swallowed into the darkness

Never to be seen again

The one girl he cared about

Never to be seen again

He let out a faint cry, a name

No response

He screamed out this time

No response

He then saw her ahead

he ran faster and faster

but she wasn’t coming closer

then again she was gone

the creeping darkness took him over

the moonlight shone later on

all that was left was a shadow

that boy was gone

Tell me what you think it means, and my next blog I'll tell you what i was tryin to represent by it

~Kingers corner 6

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