Monday, August 10, 2009

A first post

So, im Mitch guys. I'm new to this whole "blogging" thing so bear with me. I'm creating this because i always have good ideas, and if there not good at least give people a laugh or two. So i decided to set this up in order for me to get stuff out there. + it'd be nice to talk and be heard.

"Life is never as good as it seems, when your down you never think your going to be up again and when your up its never as good as it seems" That was said by a character in the movie Blow. I took it to heart, when i origionally heard that line because i could connect with it so well. I have a pretty constant life pattern, i live a great life, everything will work out, things will come my way, i'll even get closer to a person i hadn't before. And then there will be times when my life just feels so shitty, to the point where ( not recently) have been drawn to suicidial points. Which gets me thinking usually, and i realize that there could be so many people out there who send off this fake version of them, pretending their happy and living an awsome life. When really they're more depressed then the rest of us. I used to think as a kid, that everyone was living a happy perfect life, maybe because at that age i was entertained by anything, I was a foolish kid. I've grown up alot since then and have some to realize, just how shitty a place this world is. Not the world itself but just the shit that happens in it. Wow i guess i should probably get to the point. Anything can happen to us in this world and we just need to make the best out of it, when your on a good streak in life, enjoy it dont worry about things that may bring you down, just enjoy the little bit of happiness your given because it could stay forever or it could be gone the next day. And if your on a bad streak, tough it out, realize that shit will change eventually. Your havin a bad month? Maybe the next 3 will be amazing to make up for it. "don't worry, be happy" and im not even going to quote that, you better know who said that.

I actually have a theory to end this blog with, I came up with it little bit back. It has to do with global warming, believe me when i say i know its not true. But its a possiblity right? So what im saying is you know how the theory for global warming is green house gasses and such. Well i think that could be wrong, maybe its just the rotation of the Sun around the earth is fucked up, so every year the sun rotates around the earth abit more each time, making the sun become closer and farther away each time. The result? Colder winters and hotter summers. So far the change in the world seem to relflect my theory on it. This is also why i think 2012 is predicted to be our death year, maybe thats the year that the mayans figured it out we'd become to close to the sun to survive. This could all be made up bull shit (infact it probably is) but still, i guess it'll give you something to think about when you finish reading this and are bored again.

~Kingers corner 1


  1. lol so tahts why people think 2012 is the death of everyone :D lol mitch =O so deep :P ~<3 =] i liked itttt.

  2. So after 4.5 billion years of Earth, the relationship with the Sun decided to go kerplunk? So far we've been having cooler summer and warmer winter, and on several ocassion, hotter days of summer and colder days of winter. Global warming isn't a theory, it's debatable whether or not humans are significant contributed to this. With or without, global warming will happen eventually. As for the Mayans, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar will mark it's end on December 21-23, 2012. In my opinion, much like the over-hyped millenium (year 2000), it would be just that -- when people thought 2000 was the end of the world because computers will be 00 as the date, stupid people... -- A better portrayal of the end of mankind would be Planet X heading on a collision course for Earth, the unknown oddity that's been happening lately with Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter, World War III (rendering a nuclear fallout), the Large Hadron Collider malfunctioning (I doubt this), and Sarah Palin in office for US presidency.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is that the roatstion of the Earth around the Sun is too minute to have a threat within the next 3 years.
